Thursday, July 31, 2008
A Few More Fair Results
Yesterday was more of a working day at the fair. I spent nearly the whole day staffing the "All You Can Drink" milk stand at the fair. Fortunately, I had lots of help from family and friends. I serve on the local dairy board and one of the board responsibilities is to staff the "Milk Wagon" for one day at the fair with volunteer help. The menu at the milk wagon is pretty small. There is chocolate, white and strawberry milk, string cheese, ice-cream bars, and water. One dollar buys the customer a glass of milk with unlimited refills, so our booth is pretty popular.
With the temperature at a humid 85 degrees, our stand was very busy in the late afternoon and evening and I was very tired when I got home after 11 p.m. I should have taken more pictures of the kids selling/serving milk. They have a really good time taking money and dispensing milk and for the most part are very helpful in the stand. James is just tall enough to reach the milk dispensers and he helped himself to quite a bit of chocolate milk. The heat tired him out though and Mark and the kids went home pretty early last night.
During the earlier part of yesterday, we had a few local celebrities there helping us out as "Celebrity Milk Servers" One of the DJ's from the morning show of a popular local country radio station was there. And, the evening news anchor from our local NBC affiliate served milk as well. I have a cute picture of the news anchor and Ella, but I am too lazy to download it tonight. It was fun to work with the local celebs. It was really kind of hilarious to watch the reactions of people as the recognized who was serving them their milk.
On to the fair ribbons... Mark earned 12 ribbons on his veggies: four 1st place ribbons, four second place ribbons, and four third place ribbons. Ella and James each earned a few ribbons with their vegetables in the junior gardening division. James also earned a few blue ribbons on his oats and hay stolen from Grandpa's field. He actually got a purple ribbon (champion) on his slice of hay. So, both Ella and James earned a big purple ribbon this year. The purple ribbons have still been elusive for Mark. He will have to try again next year.
Tomorrow is the dress the animal competition at the fair. It is a fun contest that Ella has competed in since she was two. If all goes according to plan, Ella will dress as a princess and her calf will be dressed as her Knight in Shining Armour. James will complete the ensemble by dressing as a Jester and caring the knight's sword and shield. Hopefully it won't be too hot tomorrow night and I hope I get some good pictures!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Ella wins a big ribbon!
Getting Ready for the Fair!
On Sunday we went out to the field to gather oats. It has become a little bit of a family competition to enter Grandpa Jim's field crops in the children's names and see who can get first prize. My brother, Greg, is certain his kids will have the winners this year, but we will see!
The dew points are really high here right now, so we all almost melted while we were entering our vegetables and flowers. Mark entered onions, beans, summer squash, blackberries, raspberries, peppers, tomatoes, peas, and zucchini. We helped the kids enter summer squash, string beans and tomatoes along with their field crops. I entered a few different types of flowers from my flower garden. I do think that my stargazer lilies looked pretty good, but who knows what will happen. Mark is still in search of his first big purple ribbon. Maybe this will be his year! The judging takes place tomorrow, so look for an update tomorrow night!
For now, here are some fun pictures from Saturday night when we were harvesting our oats in the field with Grandpa Jim and Grandma Judy.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Growing Kittens!
We brought two of the kittens into the house to share with our friends.
Here are Carson and Sierra happily holding baby kittens.
Sunday Adventures
Here's a smile with Grandpa O.
James didn't fall asleep in the car right away like we were hoping so we decided that we'd stop for dinner. Our Garmin told us that there was a White Castle nearby and we decided to go on a little culinary adventure. The kids have never been to a White Castle and I've only eaten at one once during my childhood. Mark thought he had made a White Castle visit at some point in his childhood too. Guess it was time to share the experience with our children.
James only ate the fries--no surprise there. Ella thought the chicken rings (yes, chicken rings!) were tasty. Mark enjoyed his two double patty burgers, but confessed that he would not be able to handle any more. I had a bacon burger and a chicken ring sandwich--interesting. I doubt we will be frequent White Castle visitors....but at least we can say we have been there!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Garden Girls
James loves going to the farm too. I need to get a good picture of him after a night at the farm. For now, here is a visual: He loves to find and play in dirt and there is plenty at the farm. When he finds his favorite dirt pile, he kicks it, tosses it in air, digs in it, and sits in it. When it is time to come home, he is the color of dirt. Baths for James when we come home from the farm are usually done in two phases. He first gets a basic rinse in the tub to remove all the dirt. Then, we drain all that yucky water and give him a real bath. At least we know, he really enjoyed himself at the farm!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Isabella Swims!
First back float: Look no hands!!
Then There Were Four!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Now there are three!
Kittens and a Thunderstorm
While we were leaving for an errand tonight, I saw her and told Mark that she looked ready to pop. I broke my rule and put some water, food and a box with some old towels in it on my porch. When we came home, it was clear to me that she was in the midst of labor, though she was still purring at our ankles. I helped her get settled into the box on the porch and then the lightening started to flash in the distance. So, we decided that the kitty could spend the night in our garage. Our garage isn't new to her. She has already spent several random nights in our garage as a sneaky guest, so she was quite comfortable and relaxed once we brought her inside. It's a good thing she's in the garage because it is pouring rain and she is already the proud mother of two baby kittens with more on the way.
The first kitten was born around 10 p.m. and the next arrived at about 10:30. I know the kids will be very excited to take a peek at the babies in the morning. And, I think we have a new summer project on our hands. Growing up on a farm, I cared for many litters of kittens in my childhood. It will be fun for my kids (and Mark!) to watch the kittens grow. I guess, when they are old enough, we will have to move the mommy kitty and her babies to the farm as I know we can't keep them here. Our cats already don't approve of the stray kitty. They've had many fights through the window screens and the patio doors. I am sure they will again make their feelings known when they discover that there is a litter of kittens in our garage!
I took this quick video clip right after the first kitten was born. I think I may have captured its very first meow!