Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Great Blizzard of 2008

I had my first snow day of the school year today! I love snow days...as long as I don't have to go anywhere. And lucky for me, today I didn't need to be anyplace except school later today. Once I heard school was being let out early, I was more than happy to stay home with the kids and watch the wind blow the snow around. By mid afternoon, our weather turned from a Winter Storm Warning to a Blizzard Warning and I was even happier to be stuck at home. I am hoping that all my family and friends made it home safely tonight. One of my brothers has the privilege of driving a snow plow on our county roads during the winter season. I could never ever do his job and on days like today, I worry about him.

What to do with the kids when stuck inside on a snowy, freezing Minnesota winter day? We turn our living room into a playground. Did you know that couch cushions make a great fort?

1 comment:

M said...

Yay for snow days! We stayed indoors, close to the fireplace today!