Wednesday, March 19, 2008

First Trip to the Park!!!

Ella has been begging for a trip to the park and James has been chiming in with his own requests. This past Saturday, with a tiny hint of spring in the air, we bundled up and took a trek to the neighborhood park. Mark pulled the kids in their wagon and it was pretty smooth sailing until we made it to the park entrance. The path to the park was still pretty drifted over, but we made it through and had the park all to ourselves. Ella headed straight for the swings and the puddles. James went down the slide all by himself just to show how much he has grown over the winter.
Ella swinging away!

Puddle fun!

Mommy and James

Down the slide with a smile.

James fancy mud boots!

James enjoyed tromping around in some shiny pink mud boots. Ella decided that her old boots would fit her brother just fine and once she showed them to him, he was very excited to put them on. Mark was a little less than thrilled with his son wearing pink boots...I thought it was pretty funny!

It is a good thing that we had some fun this weekend. We are not having much fun in our house right now. Ella started Tuesday just fine, but ended it feeling miserable. Thankfully, our clinic was open late and I was able to get her in for a strep test last night. She tested positive and we are waiting for the antibiotics to kick in. She has been miserable with a fever as high as 104 and an upset tummy. Hopefully a good night of rest will do her wonders! And...we hope no one else in the house gets sick as we are expecting a crowd on Saturday. Those of us who are feeling well tomorrow will be going to the Agri-News farm show to serve milk out of the Dairy Association Milk Wagon. I am hoping Ella is better or she is going to be really bummed out! She thinks it is fun to sell milk and she really likes to take money from people and put it in the cash drawer. She also has her outfit all planned out. She intends to wear one of her crowns so "people will think she is a dairy princess". James has been looking forward to the farm show all week. I know he will be excited to see all the tractors!

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