Here's a picture of our Christmas tree. The decorations seem to change location daily, but the kids are having a lot of fun with the tree. Recently James decided that we didn't have enough ornaments on the back of our tree, so he moved many from the front to the back. I told him no one can see the back, but he insisted if you get up on the couch and look just, "You can see, Mommy!" James redecorates often. When he isn't looking, I try to even out the bald spots on the front of the tree... Isabella has been busy monitoring the appearance of any additional presents under the tree. She notices them right away and reads the tags to figure out who they are for. She is waiting patiently for more presents with her name on them.
On Sunday night, while I attended our mom's group Christmas party, Mark and the kids braved the cold to go see the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train. The train came rolling into town for a 45 minute stop complete with music and lights. Over a thousand people showed up to donate food to the local food shelf and take in the sites and sounds of the train. Once the train pulled in for its stop, a box car door opened up and musicians and Santa made their appearance. James and Ella were excited as they got a candy cane from Santa. And, James was especially excited because he heard the "Jingle Bells" song! Though they aren't the best, Mark was able to snap a few pictures so I could see what the train looked like.
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