Thursday, June 25, 2009

Have you ever seen a swarm of bees?

On the day of Claranna's baptism, the kids were outside playing in the late afternoon when they thought they saw a bird in our neighbor's small apple tree. I had noticed the dark spot on the tree when we were out doing yard work a few days earlier, so I knew it wasn't a bird. Mark went to inspect the mass more closely. He didn't get too close once he realized what he was looking at. There were thousands of honey bees hanging out on a branch. Our neighbors have since consulted a beekeeper and have moved most of the bees into a bee hive. It's pretty interesting...but I am glad they didn't settle in our yard! Take a closer look:


Chris said...

holy cow, I would have freaked!

Anonymous said...

WOW. Amazing to see ... glad it wasn't at my house.

M said...

WOWSA...that is amazing.