Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Day of School

On Tuesday, September 8th, Ella and James started a new school year. They both woke up bright and early and were so excited for the start of the school. I hope that their excitement continues for many years to come. And, I wish I could bottle some of their abundant excitement and save it for those later school years when their excitement might be waning...

Don't they look cute? Ella had to wear something sporty on her first day. It was requested by her teachers.

Here's Ella with her teachers. She has two--a job share. One will teach Monday and Tuesday and the other will teach Thursday and Friday. They'll take turns teaching every other Wednesday. Ella already loves her teachers and is having a fine time as a 1st grader. She was kind enough to let us take her to school on the first day. We were able to walk her up to her line, but once she was in her place, she quickly waved us away. I guess we should be glad she is so independent, but I think sometimes that she is growing up way too fast!

James had a short day of preschool on Tuesday and it was a great day for him. He played in the sand inside and outside--it doesn't take much to make him happy! Last year he had a difficult start to almost each day of preschool (he only went one morning a week). This year, we are back at Ella's old preschool and things are off to a fabulous start. No tears from anybody!

I just love this pic of James trying to put on his huge almost wears him!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Too cute! I am so glad James is having a great start with no tears! What a relief!