Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Super Goofy James

Taking your child in for surgery is not fun. You have to look for silver linings and sneak in a little laughter wherever you can to survive the day, and we tried to do just that. I mentioned earlier that prior to James going into the OR he was given some premedication. When Ella had her previous surgeries she was also medicated this way. They gave her medicine and told her it was a special "princess potion" and it would make her act like a princess. They didn't have a fancy name for what they gave James and it didn't really make him act like a litte prince. Instead, it made him happy, goofy, relaxed and pretty drunk acting. The medicine provided us with about a half hour of silly entertainment while we were waiting. Since we are kind of seasoned OR parents we brought our camera along this time to capture some of the fun. This short video clip was taken about five minutes after James had his medicine. It appeared to take affect quickly. James was so silly one of the nurses later brought him a sticker of Goofy! Enjoy the show...

We tried to get a pic of James and me before the surgery, and this is the best we got. He really liked his upside down view! You'll have to excuse the circles under my eyes... Claranna thought it might be helpful to stay up until midnight last night and then wake up at two, four, and six a.m. We are hoping that tonight is more restful for everyone, but it could be a long night. James' good painkillers have all worn off and he had a pretty sad ending to his evening. I bet he is wishing he could have more of the happy medicine he was given this morning. Here's hoping everyone sleeps well tonight!!

1 comment:

M said...

Looks like you'll have your hands full for a little bit! Glad to see you and Mark are both keeping your sense of humor. Let me know if you need anything!