Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Said by the Kids

James: in a sweet voice "I love you, Mom!" After a long pause "And when you don't be nice to me I even still love you."

Ella: Thoughtfully "I really want a Nintendo DSi for Christmas, but they're really a lot of money... I don't want you and dad to spend all your money on one so that's why I'm going to ask Santa for it."


M said...

C has asked for an American Girl doll and a camera. I told her that they were both pretty expensive and she says, "I wonder how Santa affords all the stuff." And walks away...apparently there is a reason people start telling their kids about Santa. The "age of reason" must be when they start asking for expensive stuff!

Michelle said...

Alec,at 13 yrs old, hasn't told us what he wants for christmas but this weekend he said he'll just wait and see what Santa brings for him because that should be good. Great - now what??