Sunday, April 25, 2010

Getting Ready to Grow

One year ago, this is what Mark, Ella, James and I were doing. We did our first planting in our garden and we were ready and excited for all that was soon to grow--including our family. These pics were taken the day before Claranna made us a family of five. It doesn't seem that long ago... It's so hard to believe that a year has gone by already!

As we were finishing planting, a thunderstorm passed near the farm and shared a few sprinkles and a rainbow with us. It's kind of neat that today at Sunday School Ella learned that a rainbow is a sign for God's promise.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Wait a second. That's what you looked like the day before you gave birth to your third child???? You're amazing, Carrie!!! I'm jealous and I've only had one. (And I'm pretty sure I can't blame my belly on her.)

Happy birthday Claranna!