We've been caring for two extremely cute little kittens for the past 11 days. They were born to a stray cat who moved her litter of six kittens into a storage shed next to our church. She left these two sweeties behind and we were called to see if we would care for them. Of course, Ella said YES! The plan is to care for the kittens until they are old enough to find a new home. Need a kitten anyone? Send me a message if you do or know someone who'd like a kitty to love.
Since the kittens were only approximately three and a half weeks and only nursing from their mommy when we brought them home, we've had to feed them kitten milk replacer. The gray one, Fuzzy, eats his milk fine from a dish. The little black kitten, Luke Skywalker (Can you guess who named these kittens?), nurses from a bottle and isn't that interested in a dish yet. The kids have been having fun feeding them. And, since they need to eat every few hours, I have been feeding them several times a day when the big kids are at school. We are starting to introduce them to solid food. We have all enjoyed having the kittens to play with and to love, except for our big cats, Thorn and Violet. They aren't too fond of them and still keep their distance.
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