Friday, February 22, 2013

The Farm on a Snowy Morning

My Dad, aka Grandpa Jim, hauling the daily load of manure (or as we called it as kids: flapping poop).
 With seven inches of new snow this morning it was a "snow day" today for many in the area, but on the farm it's just another snowy day.  Today I went on a little ride-along with my dad to capture a couple of winter farm scenes.  The city seems to be stretching its reach by the minute and this spring work will begin on a major commercial development on the land adjacent to my family's farm.  As the construction begins, the landscape of my childhood (and my dad's and his parents) will be rearranged.  The earth will be moved and some of the views I call home will forever be altered.  Today I wanted to record a winter view from the pasture and fields south of our farm as I fear next year some of these views will be quite different. 
Looking toward the barn from the field.

A snowy fence line view that is sure to look much different next year as the city creeps closer to our farm.

In His Element:  farmers never retire

Living on the Edge



I made this crusty bread from scratch today. My hope is to perfect a gluten free version for little C!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Someone was very creative with their "art" skills this morning. There were also beautiful drawings on her hands and the bottoms of her feet. She said she looked like a kitty cat!

Thursday, February 14, 2013