Tuesday, June 19, 2007

James is all smiles for time outs!

James has discovered how to use the water dispenser on our refrigerator. When we purchased the appliance we didn't have any children yet--a lock button was not on our list of needs. Well, we need one now! Recently, James found great joy in attempting to fill a toy bottle with water from the dispenser. After he continued to play with the dispenser after being told no, I decided it was time to give him his first time out. So I told him he was having a time out and set him on the stool. He was very excited and very proud to be put on our special time out stool. I guess he felt all grown-up--just like big sister, Ella! I couldn't resist snapping few pics to capture his delighted grin. I am sure there will come a day when a time out won't thrill him....if not, we're in trouble!


Stacy said...

How do you get mad at such a sweet face??? He's just precious!

(Yeah, I can giggle at the water thing. That's because I don't have kids yet. And I don't have a water dispenser thing on my fridge. And even the sprayer thing on my kitchen sink doesn't work right. I'm feelin' pretty smug right about now.) :-)

Lisa said...

Too cute! Kiera used to think she was pretty cool getting a time out too. She would actually give herself a time out if I scolded her for anything. Those days are no more!

Zoey L. said...

I can relate! Zoey puts herself in the "naughty spot" all the time--then giggles. I don't know if it will ever work. :-) All your blog updates are cute! Hope everyone is well. I am trying to find a time to come down to Rochester--soon. I'll be in touch.