Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Not Feeling Too Well...

My babies have been sick... Historically, the month of February hasn't been great at our house as far as sickness goes. If my memory is correct, last year James and Ella just passed the crud back and forth the entire month. Now with a third kiddo, I think the odds of having all the kids well at one time during the winter months is pretty slim. But, what are the odds that all my babies would come down with ear infections within days of each other? From Monday to Monday we've had four trips to the doctor, five infected ears, one ruptured eardrum and four new prescriptions. I think we are finally turning the corner...hope I didn't jinx us!

Both kids had a snow day today which was good. James would have had to stay home sick from preschool today and would have missed "picture day". It was great to have a day for the kids to rest and recover.

Thank goodness
even sick babies are super cute! Who can resist cuddling with this?

1 comment:

M said...

Hope everyone is on the mend!