Monday, November 14, 2011


Our cute little kittens are getting big enough to have a new home.  If you know of anyone who needs a kitten to love, send us a message.  We'll be happy to share Fuzzy and Luke Skywalker with them.  We will all miss them and the kids will be very sad to see them find their new homes, but we've known all along that we would only be able to foster them a short while.  Our two big cats are still not very fond of the babies, so it is very unlikely that we will be come a four cat home.  Since the kittens have been in our house since they were about three weeks old, we hope to find them an inside forever home.  If we can't, we'll take them to the farm and they can become barn kitties and my kids will be happy to visit them there.  They are just so cute right now running around our house.  They pounce, chase and run at warp speed.  They are also quick to purr and snuggle when we hold them, but they don't stay still too long unless they are sleepy.  I really had to tire them out before they would stay still enough for pictures.  Enjoy their cuteness!

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