Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's in the mail...

Mailing a letter should not be so hard. For the past two weeks I've had a letter composed and ready for the mail. I just couldn't bring myself to mail it. The letter is to the school district and the contents state my intent to resign from my elementary teaching position. Currently, I am in the midst of my fourth school year on a leave of absence from full time teaching. I've still been teaching reading M-Th a few hours each afternoon, but that won't keep me on the seniority list in my district. It has been pretty nice to spend most of my day at home all the while, still keeping my foot in the door at my district. However, my leave options for next year were pretty limited so the time has come to make the big decision. Mark and I are in agreement. As long as we can swing it on one income, my time is best spent at home with our kids.

I wrote the letter but have been having a hard time actually putting it in the mail. Today, I decided that I've tortured myself enough and it is time to let go. Ella walked the letter out to the mailbox for me before her nap this afternoon. It's in the mailbox and the flag is up! I think I am relieved. Mailing this letter will change nothing in my day to day life. Mailing the letter more so changes my state of mind. It is nice being home enjoying life as a mom having the secure knowledge that I could easily return to the classroom if I wanted/needed to. Now, should I choose to return, I will have to start over. But, it is all good for now and I'll cross the "return to work" bridge when I come to it. I will not regret having this time at home with my kids. I feel blessed have the option to be home!

I just went and peeked out the window the the mailbox flag is down and my letter is on its way. Since James' babbling in the monitor has now turned into a sing song chant of "I've got poopy in my butt." I best be on my way, too!


Stacy said...

Congratulations on this decision. I know how hard it was for you to make, but you're doing the right thing for your family.

OhCaptain said...

Congrats on the big move! Being home with the kids will be good for all.

Kurt, Miranda, Jacob, Ryan, Danika, Tavan & Eli said...

Way to go guys, it sound like you're making the right move!