Friday, January 23, 2009

New Years Eve

We spent lots of time with family over the holidays, but we were also fortunate to see some good friends as well. On New Years Eve our friends Shawna, Jeff and Julia joined us for some fun. They live in Michigan so we don't get to see them as often as we would like.
Here's Shawna and Julia (sitting on Jeff!).
An attempt at a pic of the three kiddos. I think James has a serious crush on Julia, though it isn't evident in this picture!

Lucky kids opening another Christmas present...this one is from Julia.

Shawna and Me!!!

Later on New Years Eve we were joined by Lisa, Josh, Aiden, Kiera and Owen. Here is a rare pic of all of us together!
Here's another rare pic.... Lisa and Me!

A happy Kiera with her present

And, finally Jeff with some very yummy chocolate cake that he and Shawna brought to share. Jeff is also drinking one of Mark's new favorite drinks to make--a chocolate martini. Of course, Mark would decide to make something tasty like this when I can't have one... He's promised to make me one after the new baby arrives, though!!! On New Year's Eve, Mark drank his share of martinis and mine. He had a good time, but he doesn't recall our friends leaving... I wonder why??

Had to throw in this pic... James can finally "plant corn" with his new corn planter.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the updates that always having something special for the cabin-fevered 4 yr old to spy. while mark's drinks sound good enough to google, what our house really debates is what type of new manure spreader you've got.

Carrie said...

That would be a New Holland 185 to those losing sleep at the Sieck house. : )