Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Visit from Jenny, Shane, Kate and Devin!

I've finally made it to 2009!!! Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!

Our friends moved back to Minnesota from Washington State this summer and we have been thrilled to see more of them. The weekend after New Years, Jenny, Shane, Kate and Devin came and spent the night. The kids loved having their friends sleep over. Kate even slept in Ella's room. After the kids were all tucked in for the night, the moms and dads got to play. We enjoyed some fun with the Wii and several Blokus tournaments. And, those that could partake, had more of Mark's drinks...
Since we had success on New Years Eve with a group picture, we attempted another group shot with these friends and it turned out pretty good. Why is it that our kids seem to do so well with self-timer pictures, but dislike having their picture taken by a live person?
Here are Ella and Kate dressed quite creatively.

Since my babies seemed to lack rolls of chub as infants, I was amazed by Devin's many cute rolls. He is just shy of six months old and a very happy boy.

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