Tuesday, March 31, 2009

James' Near Demise by Hot Dog* OR James Eats a Hot Dog

To say that James is not an adventurous eater is an understatement. Since he began eating table food, he has always been very particular and limited in his choices. He is every bit the picky eater--the complete opposite of his sister. We have tried multiple tactics to get him to try new foods. We've had the most success with offering a car for a reward. And at any given time, there are two or three cars on top of our fridge waiting for the day when James tries a new food and can pick his prize. The cars sit up there for a long time because James doesn't often work up the courage to try something new. He often tells us that he will eat whatever food we are trying to get him to try when he is bigger. Although, sometimes we have success and last Sunday was one of those days. James earned a new car by taking some dramatic first (tiny) bites of a hot dog and we had the camera handy to document the moment. As you can see, it was hard work for him to take those bites, but it was quite the accomplishment and we are very proud of our little picky eater! Hopefully he'll be eating a whole hot dog by the end of summer...

*Thanks to M for the more creative title!!


M said...

How did you not call this post "James' Near Demise By Hot Dog"?!?!

Carrie said...

M, you are right...I think you came up with a much more creative and accurate title! He's still recovering. : )