Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's finally happened!

We have our first broken bone at our house. You might not be surprised to learn that it's Ella with the broken bone, but you might be shocked to learn that it was sweet little Claranna who was the cause of the break. It seems that when Claranna jumped on Ella while they were snuggling on the floor, she landed on Ella's finger just the wrong way. This happened several days ago (when Daddy was in charge and Mommy was at a meeting). Mark iced her finger and that seemed to be enough to relieve the immediate pain. While there was a bump on one side of her finger, it didn't swell up to an enormous size and she could still bend it. We thought it would get better in a few days. It didn't bother her too much or slow her down, but she still complained about it a bit.

Ella did the monkey bars at school during recess on Friday and then was promptly in the nurse's office complaining of pain in her finger. After I found a babysitter (Thanks, Ardith!) for the three kids at my house (cousin Brennen was here, too), I picked her up at school and brought her in for an x-ray and exam. It turns out her finger is fractured and there is a small bone chip floating near her first knuckle on her right ring finger. The fracture is on a growth plate which may complicate healing. We left the doctor's office with an appointment in orthopedic surgery for Monday, a finger splint and a prescription for antibiotics because it is considered an "open fracture" due to it being so close to her fingernail bed. We're curious about what we will hear on Monday. In the meantime, Ella has been having fun saying that her little sister broke her finger.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Oh OUCH! That is not fun. Keep us posted on what happens!