Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Daddy Needs a Kiss Good-Bye

Mark went to Austin, Texas on Sunday for work and we dropped him off at the airport. Ella and James are really missing him...I might be missing him a bit too! We were able to go to the gate to see him off, but the plane never came. The kids and I finally left Mark at the airport so James could go home and take a nap. Once Mark's plane finally arrived, they sat on the runway for awhile and his flight was so delayed he missed his connecting flight in Chicago. Thankfully, Mark was able fly stand by and finally made it to his hotel at about 2 a.m. on Monday morning.
Here are Ella and James watching a different plane prepare to take off.

Cuddling with Daddy

All you Cobbers out there, this one's for you! The kids and I attended the annual Concordia Corn Feed that is held in Rochester. Below is Ella holding a giant ear of corn.

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