Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Changing Fast!

Our little baby is changing fast. Claranna is now five months old and she is getting more active every day. Ella and James continue to be delighted by all the new things she can do. Claranna really knows how to draw attention to herself by lighting up her whole face with a huge smile. She loves to give a great big smile to any new face that she sees when we are out and about. We're hoping one of these days that Claranna will sleep through the night. She still seems to need to eat frequently and continues to have tummy trouble. She's usually up about two or more times a night. She's sweet to snuggle with in the wee hours of the morning, but I'd love a full night of sleep! She was in yesterday to be weighed and she is officially 12 lbs. and 1 ounce. So she's growing--just not very fast. What continues to grow and grow is the love that we have for her and the joy she brings to all of us! Enjoy the pics!

Big enough to peek over the edge of the stroller!
James loves her so much.

Ella begs to snuggle with her.

So big in her bumbo seat!
So excited to reach James' tractor...and to eat it!! James was happy to share with her so far.
Daddy is training her a little too early...
All dolled up for church.

Big enough to cuddle and read with everyone at bed time

Starting to sit up on her own...but she's pretty wobbly.

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