Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Here Comes Trouble!

Claranna has found her own special way to be on the go and life is getting busier at our house! She isn't quite crawling the conventional way --she really uses her head! See for yourself...

This video is from early last week and Claranna has been improving on her crawling skills everyday. She does get up on all fours now, but seems to move backward easier than forward. Really it seems like she is too little to be getting around her own already...she's supposed to stay my little baby longer.

Claranna turned seven months old on Thanksgiving. She wasn't feeling the best over the Thanksgiving holiday. We hosted a fun Thanksgiving dinner with Mark's family on Thursday running on very little sleep, thanks to our sweet baby girl. Of course, she had to take a turn for the worse after all the clinics were closed for the holiday. Either Mark or I had to hold Claranna through most of Wednesday and Thursday night. We rotated through each night taking about two hour shifts at a time. Poor Claranna couldn't sleep unless one of us was cuddling her and holding her upright. I took her in to see our doctor bright and early on Friday morning and she was diagnosed with her first ear infection and an upper respiratory infection. She is now on antibiotics and is much happier and doing much better. Though the meds do not seem to be agreeing with her already sensitive tummy, she has no problems taking them. When she sees us with a syringe, she opens her mouth and gets ready to gobble the stuff right up. We think the drugs probably taste a million times better than the new formula (for babies with milk and soy protein allergies) that she is now on full time. That stuff stinks and I am not even brave enough to taste it, though she seems to be tolerating okay.

At seven months old, Claranna can clap, wave, jabber, roll all over the place, army crawl, crawl backwards, and crawl like an inch worm. She loves playing peek-a-boo with her big sister and brother too. She is still quite small for her age and weighs a little over 13.5 pounds. Hopefully we can fatten her up when we are able to introduce a few more solids into her diet in the next couple of weeks. The GI specialist told us to feed her only the rice cereal and the special formula for several weeks to give her tummy a chance to rest and heal. So, we will soon be able to slowly introduce her to some new tastes. I can't wait to see her happy face when she actually gets to eat something tasty!

I've got lots of blogging to catch up on. I hope to make more new posts in the coming days...check back soon!

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